Position | Name | 734-461-6117 | |
Treasurer | Susan Burek | EXT 206 | treasurer@augustatownship.org |
Deputy Treasurer | Joanne Wade | EXT 207 | deputytreasurer@augustatownship.org |
Utility Billing | Marsha Zavitz | EXT 208 | utilitybilling@augustatownship.org |
Cashier/Cemetery | Kathleen Venzke | EXT 205 | cashier2@augustatownship.org |
Open Monday–Thursday: 9AM–5PM
The Treasurer and/or Deputy Treasurer are available by appointment, if needed.
Michigan township treasurers are responsible for collecting taxes on behalf of their own and other governmental units. The purposes and entities for which Augusta Charter Township collects are listed on the tax bill in the description column.
The amount of tax due is calculated using the Taxable Value of Real (land and attachments to land) or Personal (possessions not attached to land) Property and the millage rates, as shown on the tax bill.
If no millage rate is listed next to a description, then that amount due is for a Special Assessment or other charges added to the bill – examples of Special Assessments are County drains, sewer and lighting districts within the Township and examples of other charges are delinquent water bills.
Augusta Charter Township – Where Our 2021 Property Tax Dollars Went
April 1, 2023 – March 31, 2024
April 1, 2022 – March 31, 2023
April 1, 2021 – March 31, 2022
April 1, 2020 – March 31, 2021
March 31, 2024, ACT Audit Results
Fiscal Year End 3-31-2025
Revenue and Expense 6/30/2024
Balance Sheet 6/30/2024
Fiscal Year End 3-31-2024
Revenue and Expense 3/31/2024
Balance Sheet 3/31/2024
Revenue and Expense 12-31-2023
Balance Sheet 12-31-2023
Revenue and Expense 9-30-23
Balance Sheet 9-30-23
Revenue and Expense 6-30-2023
Balance Sheet 6-30-2023
Fiscal Year End 3-31-2023
Revenue and Expense
Balance Sheet
PO Box 100
Whittaker, MI 48190-0100
Monday-Thursday: 9AM-5PM
Friday: Assessor open 1-3PM
Closed Weekends and Holidays
(see bottom of meeting schedule)
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